Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Glenn Beck mocks a disabled woman on his national radio show

Would a truly devout religious man, as Beck claims to be, have ridiculed some poor, handicapped woman with obvious difficulties, like Glenn and his sycophants did last July?? Hey, on a certain level, I get it - she's a Walmart trasher. We've all seen them. But Jesus would have been disgusted with Glenn's mean-spirited ridicule, not to mention the vile comments that his audience of faithful religious types piled on to that unfortunate woman. She is one of God's children, according to religious types, yet not one other person as I recall, came to her defense. As a non-believer, I was the only one who felt any sympathy for that woman. Can you imagine if she was a relative of yours - you cared for her in spite of her difference from the rest of us - can you imagine how hurtful it must be to be ridiculed on a national stage on a radio show???? I'm still disgusted with Beck for pulling that stunt. He had plenty of other important issues to fill his lousy air time with. That's when I really lost any tiny bit of respect i had for Glenn Beck. He had an opportunity to rise up as a decent man and show people how wrong it is to scorn our fellow man over things like this, but instead he used it to heap scorn and derision on someone he does not even know. It was shameful and he owes that woman an apology.