Saturday, August 10, 2013

Shining some light on the dark, angry, hateful and false thoughts of Fr Bill Peckman

Below is a blog post by Fr Bill Peckman where he presents some very ugly and erroneous comments about people who don't share his superstitious beliefs. 

1 comment:

  1. It's sad to see how much darkness and hatred you harbor in your heart. And then make statements about being tolerant like this:

    "Our attitude is to be of mercy to all. Sometimes we can act as if condemnation of peoples somehow will make things better. It doesn’t. Do we condemn actions? Absolutely! Do we condemn people? Absolutely not! That belongs to God alone."

    But you do condemn people and wrongly too. Here's an example of the hatred and acrimony your distorted world view has burdened you with. These are your own words. Your own false assertions:

    "The non-believer, however, has no choice but to scoff, mock, and dismiss. As their only hope is in this world and the short lifetime we are given here, the sense of hopelessness only sets in deeper as they see the same things we do. They either ignore it through total self-consumption or rage against religion because it doesn't protect them from the free choice of others nor does it give them all they want, in the quantity they want, and it isolates them from any divine compassion. They need there to be no miracles and no divine power. If such things do exists, they know that all of their reality is built on sand and that they are blowing the one chance they have at happiness. This is why so many are so angry. Life with no God is an angry and desolate place; an exercise in futility that no amount of money, power, honor, or pleasure can satiate. It is something I want no part of. Furthermore, it is not reality."

    You're attacking the many good, decent, HONEST, and caring people who are critical thinkers and use truth, evidence and reason to sort fact from fiction rather than blind obedience, superstition and a selfish desire to avoid punishment and receive some grand reward. Those people don't hate and scorn others with a different world view as you yourself do. They coexist peacefully with all religious people, while simply choosing not to pretend that the supernatural world cobbled together by ancient, primitive men is real.

    By the way, if you're going to use the internet to blog, you should also have the courage to leave replies to your blogs up. Since you seem to run from the light of truth and reason and delete comments that agree with your narrow, dark world view, I'll be sure to copy your blogs and then add my responses and post them on my own blog. That will at least give others a chance to grow as enlightened, decent human beings.

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